Jumpstart Advanced Preschool


JumpStart Advanced Preschool pertains to a game initially released in 2002 and a series of bundles released afterwards. Originally, JumpStart Advanced Preschool: Fundamentals was titled JumpStart Advanced Preschool. Since 2003, multiple bundles have been released under the title 'JumpStart Advanced Preschool'. 1 List of Releases 1.1 Original Disc 1.2 3-Disc Set 1.3 4-Disc Set V1.0 1.4 4-Disc. Personalize your child's learning experience! Experts have identified seven learning styles. For example, some kids respond best to song, some to pictures, and others to words and rhymes. Jumpstart Advanced uses your child's natural learning style to teach everything from reading and spelling to mathematics. Your child sets the pace.

Jumpstart advanced preschool ebay

Editor's Update (10/22/14) – JumpStart no longer offers free downloads for the PC and is instead focusing on paid mobile games. However, there is a free online JumpStart game for kids at JumpStart.com

Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Ebay


Educational and Fun Early Learning Activities!

Jumpstart advanced preschool balloon animals

Through engaging and fun animated computer activities, your children develop their abilities in all the early learning skills with Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals!

Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals

Phonics, vocabulary, music, and math are just a few of the areas where your children can get a head start and impress their preschool teachers.

The content of Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals is based on strict state educational standards, so you know your kids are getting the best instruction possible!

Engaging Gameplay Keeps Children Interested

Do you have trouble getting your kids excited about learning? If so, you're not alone, but Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals was conceived and designed with that exact problem in mind. The game was made just for you!

Tailored to each child's individual learning style, Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals includes a unique motivational system of rewards. Each time your child completes a task, his or her adorable on-screen animal character is rewarded with a snack or a toy. Kids love it, and it always keeps them coming back for more great learning!

Easy-to-use Ways for Parents to Follow Growth and Progress

Jumpstart Advanced Preschool World

Being involved with your child's development won't be a problem since you'll enjoy seeing the enjoyment and satisfaction they get out of playing. Still, Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals also provides you with ways to keep close tabs on, and thus help aid, their learning.

A number of skill levels for each activity provides paths to advance as well as variety in choosing where to start. The game also includes an in-game assessment test and regular progress reports which can be printed out and looked over by the whole family!

Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Free Download

Give your kids the confidence, experience, and knowledge base to start a successful school career, only with Jumpstart Advanced Preschool Fundamentals.