Major Works Data Sheet Blank

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Major Works Data SheetSummer ReadingEnglish IIName: Alyssa TorresTitle of Book: ObasanAuthor: Joy KogawaDate of publication: 1981 – Lester & Orpen DennysGenre: Fiction/ Literature/ Asian Studies Point of View: First PersonPossible Themes: (Identify five possible themes for discussion). Theme is a central message or insight into life revealed by literary work.1. Racism2. Remembering vs. Ignorance3. The Benefits of SilenceIdentify external and internal conflicts: (Provide specific examples of each)One Internal conflict in Obasan was how Naomi had a very hard time accepting her painful past.Another internal conflict was how she finally found out, in the end, what had happened to her mother. For example:…show more content…
2. Page# 151“…We must always honor the wishes of others before our own. We will make the way smooth by restraining emotion . . . To try to meet one’s own needs in spite of the wishes of others is to be “wagamama”—selfish and inconsiderate . . . It is such a tangle trying to decipher the needs and intents of others…”Significance:The significance of this quote is that Naomi channels the voice of Obasan, and her other traditional relatives, in this explanation of what it means to be wagamama versus what it means to be generous and selfless. According to her characterization, it is important to be emotionally restrained not for the sake of your own dignity, but for the sake of other people’s happiness.3. Page# 232“…Aunt Emily, are you a surgeon cutting at my scalp with your folders and your filing cards and your insistence on knowing all? The memory drains down the side of my face, but it isn’t enough, is it? It’s your hands . . . pulling the growth from the lining of my walls, but bring back the anesthetist turn on the ether clamp down the gas and bring on the chloroform…”Significance:The significance of this quote describes how Naomi can no longer tolerate her Aunt’s constant nitpicking to remember her childhood. In chapter 29, she goes on a rant and is no longer concerned with suppressing her emotions for the comfort of those around her. Although she is furious, she isn’t necessarily directing her anger at her aunt—it’s
Major works data sheet answers

Major Works Data Sheet Answers

Major Works Data Sheet Blank

While planning for a play a Major Works Data Sheet Template is used.It constitutes of the data about the play. It contains all the information regarding the play i.e its title, author's name, biographical summary, date of publication, genre, plot summary, historical information, characteristic of genre, author's style, memorable quotes, characters, theme, etc.

Major Works Data Sheet Template

Major works data sheet blank pdfMajor works data sheet blank template
  1. Major Works Data Sheet Title: Cry, the Beloved CountryAuthor: Alan PatonDate of Publication: 1948Genre: Social Criticism Relevant Biographical Information About the Author:. White. Born in Pietermaritzburg, South Africa in 1903. Father was Scottish and mother was South African of English heritage. Worked at a reformatory with black youths Historical information about the period of.
  2. Page 1 Language#and#Composition!!!Name:AP#English:## Major!Works!Data!Sheet!
  3. Major Works Data Sheet Title: Author: Date of Publication: Genre: Biographical information about the author: Historical information about the period of publication: (Provide information that offers insight into the comprehension of the novel and the reason it was written.) Characteristics of the genre.